Tools4Albion    Player history of 'jiwoon123'   v0.1
Player: jiwoon123
First seen: 08.07.2020Key: 4xYTRtJgRX6ab6evECpZbw
Last update: 08.07.2020 
Player selection  
PvP fame history of player 'jiwoon123' Total kill and death fame on a given day
Kill fame Death fame DB: 0s, Sys: 0s

Kill/Death fame ratio history of player 'jiwoon123' Kill fame to death fame ratio on a given day

Non-PvP fame history of player 'jiwoon123' Total fame on a given day
PvE Gathering Crafting DB: 0s, Sys: 0s

Gathering fame history of player 'jiwoon123' Total gathering fame on a given day
Fiber Hide Rock Ore Wood DB: 0s, Sys: 0s

Guild Membership History
From Until Guild
08.07.2020 Today Koguryo Army
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