Tools4Albion    Player history of 'qGoodLuckq'   v0.1
Player: qGoodLuckq
First seen: 05.06.2019Key: -5Ce96H0TDSkGBaH8PsOBQ
Last update: 24.05.2020 
Player selection  
PvP fame history of player 'qGoodLuckq' Total kill and death fame on a given day
Kill fame Death fame DB: 0s, Sys: 0s

Kill/Death fame ratio history of player 'qGoodLuckq' Kill fame to death fame ratio on a given day

Non-PvP fame history of player 'qGoodLuckq' Total fame on a given day
PvE Gathering Crafting DB: 0s, Sys: 0s

Gathering fame history of player 'qGoodLuckq' Total gathering fame on a given day
Fiber Hide Rock Ore Wood DB: 0s, Sys: 0s

Guild Membership History
From Until Guild
18.11.2020 Today Rogue Natives
16.05.2020 18.11.2020 Native
03.05.2020 16.05.2020 B A K A
22.04.2020 03.05.2020 Ironborn
29.03.2020 22.04.2020 -
21.03.2020 29.03.2020 Take Care
27.02.2020 21.03.2020 RANG
14.02.2020 27.02.2020 Joust
10.02.2020 14.02.2020 Joust
24.01.2020 10.02.2020 Vastly Superior
21.12.2019 24.01.2020 Bird
19.12.2019 21.12.2019 Tea Party
16.12.2019 19.12.2019 Fear Nothing Risk Everything
30.11.2019 16.12.2019 Ironborn
07.10.2019 30.11.2019 Vastly Superior
28.09.2019 07.10.2019 Crimson Imperium Reborn
27.09.2019 28.09.2019 Crimson Imperium Reborn
22.08.2019 27.09.2019 Contingent
15.08.2019 22.08.2019 Bangers
07.08.2019 15.08.2019 Broke Boys
19.07.2019 07.08.2019 Bangers
15.07.2019 19.07.2019 Tea Party
05.07.2019 15.07.2019 June
05.06.2019 05.07.2019 B A K A
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